Dust Mites & Allergens


Why reducing allergens matters:

Many of use spend up to 90% of our time indoors, where dust mites and allergens often go unnoticed…but can cause significant health issues. Regularly reducing these indoor pollutants leads to better air quality, fewer allergy symptoms, and a healthier indoor environment.

Understanding dust mites and indoor allergens:

Dust mites are tiny microscopic arthropods that thrive in warm, humid places like mattresses, carpets, and upholstery. They leave behind allergenic particles that can trigger respiratory problems, asthma, and allergic reactions. Reducing these allergens requires targeting them where they accumulate.

Ways To Reduce Dust

Mites and Allergens In The Home

  • Control Humidity Levels

    Dust mites thrive in humid environments. Keeping humidity levels below 50% can discourage their growth. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas to help control dust mite populations.

  • Filters

    The use of special HEPA and electrostatic filters are effective at capturing airborne allergens as they pass through your heating and cooling system. Regular vacuuming with a HEPA-filter vacuum traps allergens instead of spreading them around. In rooms where you spend a lot of time, consider the use of air purification systems.

  • Bedding

    Wash bedding in hot water (130 degrees of higher) weekly to help kill dust mites. Consider using allergen-proof mattress and pillow covers as an added layer of protection. These covers also will need routine washing as well. Consider replacing old or worn out mattresses and pillows to help maintain a healthy sleep environment.

  • Reduce Carpeting & Rugs

    Carpet and rugs are comfortable, but can be a haven for dust, dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens. Carpet fibers trap these particles, making it difficult to fully eliminate them, even with regular cleaning. goes here

  • Hire A Professional Company

    Professional sanitization not only reduces allergens and dust mites, but also improves your home’s indoor air quality. Our specialized equipment and techniques are designed to provide a more comprehensive clean, giving you, your family, guests, or employees peace of mind…and a cleaner and healthier environment.